January 2023 Deck

January investing has now completed. Subscribe to get the notice as soon as they are ready, not delayed.

December was a terrible month in the markets, and January was the inverse, a great month! December 1, 2022 was the prior recent closing high for the SPX of 4,076.57, it felt like the target was set today as the close neared and the S&P kept climbing higher and higher to close at 4,076.60, eclipsing that prior recent high by merely 3 basis points. As we look back at the S&P there are a few more prior highs that will provide resistance on the way back up.

I am not convinced that we are ready to run from here and that we don’t have more downside coming, however, the strategies are very positive right now. GPMv just went 83% invested this month, and all the other strategies are in big.

Here is the allocation spreadsheet in case that helps working with multiple strategies. Just enter the percent allocated to the strategies, and the amount of money to allocate overall to the strategies, and it tells you which ETF’s that you should be holding in what quantities. Excel Allocation Workbook for February 2023.

Here is a link to the January Reporting Deck






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