January 2022
December 2021 Deck New
Jan 10, 2022
This is a republish of the December 2021 with the new strategy lineup. Gone are The Russell, Global Navigator XL, and The Russell XXL, and in are LT Gain 2X, and LT Gain 3X.
See the deck for investment selections for January 2022. Link to the full Reporting Deck

See the deck for investment selections for January 2022. Link to the full Reporting Deck

December 2021 Deck
Jan 01, 2022
2021 comes to a close, we can look at full year info on how we and our strategies did during 2021, and implement any change before 2022 gets underway.
This was a strong year for stocks in particular. Many of the DMS strategies were a little ahead of the market until Mid-Cap Growth took a hit in November. Triad kept Mid-Cap Value out of the mix in December which markedly hurt its performance by over 2 full percentage points for the year. I mention these two recent less than perfect allocation items not to lament them, but to remind that the strategies will never always get it right. At least not when right means perfect. We have the comfort of long term backtests to know that the strategies do exceedingly well over time, yes they will make less than optimal allocations here and there, but they do a terrific job over the long haul, far better than we would do on our own subjective terms.
Happy New Year, I hope you had a decent 2021 what with all the changes we've had with Covid. I am hopeful that we may see the end of lockdowns and big changes to our life sometime in 2022, however, whether or not that happens this year, we can at least do our portfolios proud and have one less thing to have to worry about.
Images are included below for the rolling 12 month performance, and annual results from 1980 forward.
Please see the full reporting deck for January 2022 Investments for the strategies.

This was a strong year for stocks in particular. Many of the DMS strategies were a little ahead of the market until Mid-Cap Growth took a hit in November. Triad kept Mid-Cap Value out of the mix in December which markedly hurt its performance by over 2 full percentage points for the year. I mention these two recent less than perfect allocation items not to lament them, but to remind that the strategies will never always get it right. At least not when right means perfect. We have the comfort of long term backtests to know that the strategies do exceedingly well over time, yes they will make less than optimal allocations here and there, but they do a terrific job over the long haul, far better than we would do on our own subjective terms.
Happy New Year, I hope you had a decent 2021 what with all the changes we've had with Covid. I am hopeful that we may see the end of lockdowns and big changes to our life sometime in 2022, however, whether or not that happens this year, we can at least do our portfolios proud and have one less thing to have to worry about.
Images are included below for the rolling 12 month performance, and annual results from 1980 forward.
Please see the full reporting deck for January 2022 Investments for the strategies.