September 2022 Deck
Oct 02, 2022
September investing has now completed.
The DMS strategies hold tight again for October, no change of investment in any of the strategies - they are all on maximum pullback mode, and thank god with the markets tanking in September.
It still seems like we haven’t hit the bottom, there hasn’t been any fear in the markets yet, it seems like bear markets don’t end until the retail investor looses faith because it is so bad. And that sentiment is why I use these strategies myself and am not a buy and hold investor.
I put together an allocation spreadsheet in case that helps working with multiple strategies. Just enter the percent allocated to the strategies, and the amount of money to allocate overall to the strategies, and it tells you which ETF’s that you should be holding in what quantities. Excel Allocation Workbook for October 2022.
Here is a link to a September Reporting Deck

Below is a little data showing the drawdowns for the indexes, strategies, and Model Portfolios.

This is what I said last month…
Nothing posted this month, I was just watching in amazement as the market kept going up, and then feeling more grounded as it came back down.
AND this month I watch the markets come right back down and then a bit more.
The DMS strategies hold tight again for October, no change of investment in any of the strategies - they are all on maximum pullback mode, and thank god with the markets tanking in September.
It still seems like we haven’t hit the bottom, there hasn’t been any fear in the markets yet, it seems like bear markets don’t end until the retail investor looses faith because it is so bad. And that sentiment is why I use these strategies myself and am not a buy and hold investor.
I put together an allocation spreadsheet in case that helps working with multiple strategies. Just enter the percent allocated to the strategies, and the amount of money to allocate overall to the strategies, and it tells you which ETF’s that you should be holding in what quantities. Excel Allocation Workbook for October 2022.
Here is a link to a September Reporting Deck

Below is a little data showing the drawdowns for the indexes, strategies, and Model Portfolios.

This is what I said last month…
Nothing posted this month, I was just watching in amazement as the market kept going up, and then feeling more grounded as it came back down.
AND this month I watch the markets come right back down and then a bit more.