June 2021 Deck

June 30, 2021 Half-year update

The 1st half of 2021 is now in the books. While this year has been a good so far overall for the strategies, June was somewhat of a disappointment. The Russell and The Russell XXL were the only strategies which profited in June. The Global Navigator strategies went into VXUS for June and it completely fell apart in June, these strategies are going back into the Total US Market for July. MAX PAIN had seen Mid Cap outperforming and switched to it for June, however, it bit the bullet in June while Small Cap went higher. Triad went invested 1/3rd of it's assets into Gold which also tanked this past month.

This sometimes happen when investing in segments of the market not following the broad market. Sometimes the recent performance sends us off on a zig when the market then zags. This is not uncommon behavior, nor is it a failure in the strategies. If the strategies didn't switch us out based on recent evidence we would miss big runs and always be in the broad market. We just need to brush it off and continue to keep on keeping on.

The full reporting deck can be viewed / download from this link, and a quick view of monthly performance and monthly strategy investments can be seen in the images below.

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Most of the strategies have a change of investments this month

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