July 2022 Deck

Change of investments from July to August:
Very little change in the strategies this month. Only the Triad strategies have any change of investment. GPMv remains 100% in BIL, and The Russell, Global Navigator+, LT Gain+, and LT Gain++ all remain in VGSH.
The Triad strategies all switch this month from VGSH to VSCH for 5/6th of the portfolio.
You may note that I switched the Commodities holding in the Triad strategies from DBC to PDBC, if you are already holding DBC I would not recommend selling it to purchase PDBC, just hold DBC and the next time we go into Commodities, then use PDBC.

Here is a link to a July Reporting Deck
July investing has now completed.
A big welcome to the many new subscribers, if you haven’t already, poke around the website, there are many of blog entries, presentations, the current Reporting Deck is of prime interest, if you have questions or comments please send them my way.
The markets saw some recovery in July, a bear market gain, or the start of a bigger new upward trend? Time will tell.
I put together an allocation spreadsheet in case that helps working with multiple strategies. Just enter the percent allocated to the strategies, and the amount of money to allocate overall to the strategies, and it tells you which ETF’s that you should be holding in what quantities. Link to download the Excel Allocation Workbook for August 2022.

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