Slight Tweaks to Model Portfolios

I did a Zoom presentation on the Bamboo Allocation Strategies, and the Model Portfolio's to the AAII Silicon Valley Computerized Investor Group last week. As I was preparing my information to go over, I realized that the Model Moderate Portfolio had too much maximum leverage. While the average leverage was only 104%, the maximum leverage was 170%, that's pretty aggressive.

The Model Moderate Portfolio had a change of the mix of strategies in it which brought down the maximum leverage to 149%, and the average leverage remains at 104%. If 149% max leverage is too high for anybody's definition of Moderate, I don't think I would argue that. However, out of 537 months from 1980 through now, only 44 of those months had 125% or higher leverage, 38 of those 44 months being at 149%. The percent of months over 125% is 8%, and 7% were at 149% leverage.

The Model Aggressive Portfolio, should really be called the Model Very Aggressive Portfolio, it now has an average leverage of 127% and a maximum leverage of 220%. It previously had a maximum leverage of 237%.

The Model Conservative Portfolio is unchanged.

All three Model Portfolios have outstanding returns, and most particularly risk adjusted returns, it is how I invest for me and mine.

Happy investing.
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